Challenging situations occur in every relationship, no matter how solid that partnership or friendship may be. Conflicts simply are a part of our everyday lives.
Every conflict we experience offers the chance to learn more about ourselves and, at the same time, discover new aspects about the other person.
Consciously experiencing our own feelings and needs, as well as those of the person we are in conflict with, can lead the way to more clarity and compassion.
This process can then help to re-engage and re-connect with the person opposite us in order to find solutions and make new decisions. Rigid views and situations have the chance to come loose and, eventually, get resolved.
Mediation supports this process:
- is a voluntary, out of court approach to settle conflict. It‘s a process that allows constructive and respectful ways of communicating between the conflicted parties.
- offers a safe space for everyone involved in a conflict to express their views and needs and gain clarity.
- provides the opportunity for mutual understanding and, ultimately, paves the way for the opposite parties to establish longterm solutions.
- puts the emphasis on ‘the reality of the moment‘ with clear, focused attention on the perspective in the future.
- provides a respectful and safe environment for everyone involved.
I guarantee to provide a safe environment for your individual case and problem.
Being a licensed mediator by the ‘Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V. my practice is based on the ‘Ethical Understanding‘ of the Bundesverbandes MEDIATION e.V. and the European code of conduct for mediators.

You are interested in mediation and would like further information?
Please feel welcome to contact me, either by telephone or simply use the form below: