About me

Claudia Schraewer M.A.
Mediator BM®

After completing my degree in Communication at the University of Mainz, Germany, I continued to spend the next six years working for 'TNS Infratest' in Munich as a Market Research Consultant.

Getting introduced to the concept and process of mediation initially provided me with the insight and crucial link between conflict and communication.
In 2003, I began my education for a degree in Mediation and have now been working for the past twenty years in the field of communication, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, in Germany and internationally.

Working as a consultant and trainer in civil conflict management, I spent two years in Nepal on behalf of the GIZ. Peace building, facilitation & advancement of dialogue and reconciliation are further focus areas in my work.
In addition to that, a specialised training in Trauma Counselling now allows me to support people having to deal with traumatic experiences and events, as well as teaching specialist personnel in crisis spots around the world.

My work as a mediator, trainer and consultant is mainly based on the principles of 'Nonviolent Communication' by M.B. Rosenberg, which provide a clear, appreciative, authentic dialogue.
Many years of practising mindfulness, yoga and meditation have additionally been forming the unique approach to my work, as well as shaping me as a person.


Claudia Schraewer

Claudia Schraewer M.A.
Mediator BM®

Further information

International consultancy

Advisor in planning international projects in Peacebuilding and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), since 2016, focus on MENA region.
Consultant and trainer in communication and conflict transformation ´Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit` (GIZ)/Civil Peace Service (2010-2013), Nepal
Short term: Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Rwanda, Jordan


Mediator BM ®
Member of Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V

Project Management

Consultant in Financial Market Research
Project Management of international studies (qualitative/quantitative)
TNS Infratest Munich / Germany (2001-2007)

Academic Qualifications: Communications M.A.

Business and Political Science (minors)
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz / Germany


Training in Mediation according to standards of ‘Bundesverband Mediation’ (BM e.V.),
Mediation based on “Nonviolent Communication” by M.B. Rosenberg School of Mediation - Steyerberg / Germany

Integrative Trauma Work
Munich Institute for Trauma Therapy (MIT). W. Butollo - Certificate

Nonviolent Communication by M.B. Rosenberg (NVC)
Designing and facilitating international NVC trainings in different countries e.g. Nepal, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste.
Participation at international trainings with
M.B. Rosenberg;
R. Gonzales, G. Lawrie, S. Skye, W. Taylor (NVC Training Institute – USA)
M.& A. Kashtan (BAYNVC – USA)
D. Barter „Restorative Circles“
F. Beausoleil

Intercultural Communication and Cooperation
University of Applied Sciences Munich / Germany - Certificate

Training in Ayurveda - Certificate
Mahindra-Institute – Birstein / Germany

Practice of Mindfulness
Yoga, Meditation, Retreats